Steamless Day of Defeat 1.3

This page refers to a discontinued project and is being preserved for historical reference.
Information on this page should not be considered reliable and embedded links are most likely invalid.

The unsteamed version of Day of Defeat.

Version: Beta 1 / 1.3-STEAM

Project Discontinued - Support only available in the Support section. Mirrors may or may not be available.

Disclaimer: By clicking the download link below, you state that you legally own Half-Life or Counter-Strike Retail. If you download and use this project, but do not own any of these products, you might be violating the EULA of these products and/or copyright laws in your country. By downloading and/or using this project you acknowledge that any and all legal violations that may occur will be entirely your responsibility. As mentioned in our disclaimer, downloading and using projects of Steamless CS Project is completely at your own risk.


Windows CompatibleSteamless Day of Defeat 1.3 (size: ~124 MB)

Download Steamless Day of Defeat 1.3 (Beta 1)

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