WON2 Global Cyber League
This page refers to a project where its development is currently on ice.
Information on this page should not be considered reliable and embedded links are most likely invalid.

About GCL
Since its inception in 2003, Steamless CS Project has grown to an organisation that created the succesful World Opponent Network 2, along with its expanding amount of services such as the Anti-Cheat technology WAC and several other popular projects. While this was already considered a milestone, we believed that the WON2 community needed something else too; a central place for people and clans to meet, chat and compete against each other. For that, a league was needed and thus the WON2 Global Cyber League (WON2GCL) was born.
The Global Cyber League will initially support Counter-Strike 1.5 and - at many user requests - a very popular beta version, b6.5. Over time the GCL Team might decide to support other WON2 games as well.
More than just a League
We believe that a good gaming experience starts with good servers. Therefore, WON2GCL has setup servers which have been optimized for the best gaming experience, along with a strict anti-cheat policy and mature admins. Interested? Take a look at the list of servers already online!
The official site of WON2GCL can be found here.